60-second answers

You’re bound to have lots of questions when it comes to selling your business or client bank. We’ve answered the most common queries we get asked in this series of short videos. We’ll be adding many more videos over time, so keep checking back for the latest updates.

How soon do I get paid after completion?
How long does it take to complete a sale?
How do I make sure people don’t find out that I’m selling before I want them to?
What indemnities will I be required to provide?
What warranties will I be required to provide?
What should I be considering if I have self-employed advisers?
What factors should I consider when choosing a lawyer?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an asset sale for a seller?
What are my options after the sale completes?
Is selling to a private equity-backed consolidator the right thing for me?
How soon do I get paid after completion?
How long does it take to complete a sale?